Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cheesymate Swirls

My mate Ruth made me cheesy marmite swirls after I told her of my INTENSE SADNESS at not being able to buy cheesymite whirls in England. They are my new favourite snack. Needless to say I ate the tubfull. Above you will notice a lovely photo of Ruth 'presenting' them to me!


  1. That is amazing, well done Ruth! Did she have a recipe? We can't get them up North either...luckily I will be in Wanganui next week so if Paknsave comes to the party I can eat my fill!! (Which would be about 20)

  2. Thank god for Ruth and her ingenuity!

  3. Can I just say that my thirst for cheesymite swirls is still unquenched. Wanganui Paknsave - you SUCK.


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