Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Le Corn

Howdy from Le Corn. My annual charity shop has begun and has been successful so far (a suit which my mum told me not to buy, a swimsuit - yes I am dirty, jewellery, shoes, a dress and a shirt). Lots more to come I imagine. Today I bought some vintage hankies which have all been hand embroidered and some brooches (they are for a clever money making 'get me to NZ' scheme I have come up with, which I will hopefully do and not just keep them all for myself)...

My mum's been busy making, she's made all these lavender bags for a charity stall, aren't they brilliant...?!


  1. I love the Hankeys and brooches. I will keep on at you about the Get to NZ Scheme, don't worry. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your purchases! I think I found a dress for the weddings in a Traid. :o)
    Cute lavender bags too, your ma is so cool.

  2. Nice one Flegg! My friends Katherine and Kane buy things from Charity Shops in Tauranga where they live (which is a provincial back water) and sell the on to flash second hand shops in Wellington for hipsters to buy. Sounds like you are on to a good thing! (And for an excellent cause!)


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