Friday, April 23, 2010

Tea Shanties

Here is my Sea-themed Tea Cozie. I made it for my friends Ewan and Fiona for their wedding present. It is modelled on the "Green Goddess" one in the Tea Cozie book I have. Only Green Goddess has a grey stripe along the bottom (its supposed to be a dry stone wall.) I think mine is better. Thanks to the Cornish Tea Pot for modelling for me.

Ewan and Fiona asked everyone to donate to the Food Bank instead of giving them presents. They have also changed their middle and surnames to the towns where they were both born. Robert and I thought of doing that but that would mean my name would be Rosemary Hamilton-Palmerston North. Not much of a ring to it really.


  1. I like your tea cosy Roast! What colour is it? That's a great idea for a wedding present. I don't think you should change your name to Rose Hamilton-Palmerston North. That would be weird!

  2. Amazing!! You are too talented!


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