The idea for this bed came from Flair's mum, who has apparently made these for Ben the dog. It is a single duvet ($5, op shop) with a pillowslip style cover made from a 50c piece of fabric (op shop) and part of a sheet ($1, op shop). Better than a $100+shop bought dog bed!. You fold the duvet into quarters and stitch it into place, then make a cover like a pillowslip. Sirius is growing so fast he no longer fits into his laundry basket bed. As you can see he has a cosy spot in the laundry next to where the hot air comes out of the freezer. That tartan scrap is his cuddly which was rubbed all over his mum and brothers before he left home! The other picture is what happened when I tried to take a photo of him having a tug of war with a huge bunch of bananas. He has learned how to 'sit', now we are working on 'stay'.

I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW BIG HE IS!!!!! He is SO cute, I miss him!! Nice Sally inspired crafting! x