Saturday, May 18, 2013

When I was young I lived in a cardboard box and had to play with toilet rolls inners.......

I am not sure that these actually count as crafts, but hey. We upgraded Nate's house to include solar- powered l.e.d.s - as you can see that was highly exciting. And made some bowling cats from toilet rolls.

Rugrats And Sleevypants

Bathmat made from cut up tshirts - 50 cents per bag of tees from Hospice shop. And the sleeves have been made into pants! Using this tute:

Trains, Planes and Automobiles....

Sorry for the terrible ipad quality of the photos. Here is the train - book bunting, 3D star and Beano bird bunting (on the wall) made to liven up Nathaniel's room.

Stop Making That Racket!

Long time no post! Here is a wall decoration made from embroidery thread and an old tennis racquet.