Robert and I were overwhelmed by the amazing presents we got for our wedding. Here is a round up of the crafty ones. (Especially for you Rowan)
Firstly, my personal favourite, knitted bunting from the Black Wolf. Thanks you guys!
Secondly, a wrestling themed needle point from Katherine Tham and Kane Harris. We went to watch Kane wrestle as Lazarus Volt in a show just last night! The wrestlers represented here are from top to bottom are: The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant.
Thirdly, from my amazing aunty Janice, these beautiful woven place mats. Janice has four looms in her house!
From our amazing artist friends Toby and Sonya. When Robert and I first got together I had some rules about what kind of films we could rent - no shouting, shooting or Bruce Willis. Toby was Robert's flatmate at the time and turns out he always remembered the rules! Sonya is a photographer and Toby is an artist so they made this beautiful artwork for us. I love it.
And finally, from my Aunty Yola, this beautiful table cloth that was made for my Great Grandmother by her friend on her way to New Zealand on a ship. The photo shows a detail of the corners - how romantic is that